Cello Coaching & Music Performance Coaching



Online coaching to learn how to
get the best out of you, your cello and your music

 (for ALL people of ALL ages!)

Book Your Session

If you're looking for a new and more supportive way to accelerate - and enjoy - your cello journey, then cello coaching and music performance coaching might be the perfect thing for you.


Let me know if any of these resonate with you:

💭 You're already having lessons but you're just not getting enough out of them, and you need just that little bit of extra support

💭 You're practising/studying alone and are stuck with something, feeling frustrated by how to proceed and move beyond the hurdle

💭 You need or want to know if you're learning something correctly but can't see it alone, and so you want someone to observe and give positive feedback and guidance

💭 You have a performance coming up but your confidence has dropped - you just want techniques or support in raising your confidence levels for a successful performance

💭 You've picked up your cello for the first time in forever... and just want to know where on earth to begin!

💭 You are neurodivergent/ADHD/ASD/AuDHD... and seriously struggle to find a teacher who understands EXACTLY how to help you get the best out of YOU

Imagine if you could just crack that one thing in your cello practise, which would accelerate your cello studies to a whole new level...

...to reach the point where you achieve and excel
with minimum frustration and total ease!


⭐ Be able to perform wherever and whenever you wish...

⭐ Pick up a new (or old!) piece of music with confidence...

⭐ Have enough belief in yourself to grow your cello business...

⭐ Unlock and accelerate the best learning techniques for YOU.

I can specialise in amazing people who are on the neurodivergent spectrum! I hugely understand that the learning curve can differ GREATLY for people who are ADHD/ASD/AuDHD - I myself am diagnosed "AuDHD".

I get it - I've been there, I've worked my way through it too.

I can help and support you in thinking differently!


Curious to know some stuff about me? Click here to find out more.

Book Your Session Now!


My passion for cello...


I always thought it curious that, by the time I was 9, just about every adult around me suggested I teach cello. Why on earth would I do that at such a young age??! Well, I realise now that it was because I had such joy, love, and passion for the cello, that I was able to use that energy to light up other cellists too. (Is that a gift or what??)

That's what I love to do now - supporting other cellists in achieving joy, success, and a new found love for the sounds they can make. As a principal cellist for various professional orchestras, I ADORE supporting my cello sections, and with the world at my fingertips I now support cellists worldwide with my online services.

...and your cello joy


If you're already a cellist, do you remember the joy and excitement of practising, creating new sounds, successfully learning "tricky bits", and performing a piece of music with confidence? Felt completely awesome, right?

Well, if you're struggling to experience that sort of ease again, I can help you get there! And if you've never experienced that (oh no!!) then I can help you to discover something absolutely new and awesome in your cello playing.

We know that you're looking for some help in achieving the things which feel frustratingly out of reach on your own - I am more than happy to help you reach that goal, and so much more, no matter how big or small!

Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.


― Mattie Stepanek; poet

All The Tools & Support
You Need (And More!)
For A Successful Cello Journey

Cello coaching sessions include...

  • Live 1:1 zoom sessions, up to 1 hour
  • Sheet music requests
  • Cello Coaching Workbook
  • Coaching practise notes for every session
  • Performance/practice feedback and evaluation
  • Video recordings of sessions for your reference

£47 per session, up to 1 hour (block booking discount available)

Book a session now

The Creative Cello Lounge features...

  • Private, family-friendly community for cellists of all ages and stages
  • Live monthly group coaching
  • Share videos and clips
  • Voice and video hangouts
  • Performance platform
  • Cello business advice & support
  • Monthly sheet music downloads

£11 per month private group  membership

Coming soon!

Client Words: Oboe Performance


You have a gift, Jay. It’s like you see a little ember and you gently dig it out and feed it. And then that thing that was hidden so deep (like my confidence as a musician- which has been buried for sooooo long!) bursts out and burns brightly again.
I got my oboe out the loft. I named him. I practiced my ass off for the first time in 23 years. And then I took [my oboe] Diablo and went and played to a bunch of musicians I really respect and they GAVE ME A JOB!
How the actual fook did that happen? Well, it started with our chat… 💜

Jenny L. - Musician, Teacher, Creative Visual Artist

Client Words: Business Confidence


I've known Jay for a few years as a fellow cellist, so when my desire to make my business dream a reality coincided with Jay becoming a coach, I was very keen to put her skills to the test. I wasn't disappointed.

Jay has this really uncanny way of making you channel your thoughts so your dreams - which used to be firmly locked in your head - can start to become a reality. She has helped me to develop what used to be a hobby and is no starting to become a business reality, by allowing me to believe that I am actually capable of doing this thing. I still have a way to go, but I'm sure that without Jay's guidance and ability to help me believe in myself, I wouldn't be as far along this road as I already am.

I'm certain that with Jay's continuing support, my dreams are sure to become reality and I will finally be able to do the thing that makes me feel fulfilled, on a full-time basis.

Jo S. - Cellist

1 to 1 cello coaching for performance, confidence, techniques, and more

Cello Coaching Sessions

1 to 1 Cello Coaching for Performance, Confidence, and Technique


Discover how to really accelerate everything relating to your cello journey - work on practise and performance techniques, performance confidence and mindset, get positive critical feedback, and really elevate your cello skills to the next level and continue to grow. Sessions are up to 1 hour, block booking discounts available!


  • Creative Confidence
  • Mental Blocks and Limiting Beliefs
  • Creative Mindset Management
  • Creative Life Goals

Single sessions from £47

I'd like 1 to 1 cello coaching please!

Creative Cello Lounge

Membership Group for Cellists of all standards and ages


Come and join my private online cello membership space for everyone and anyone who is learning the cello (and we are ALL learners, no one knows everything!!). This is a super comfy space to hangout and chill, perform with others, download sheet music, access group coaching, and MORE!


  • Performance Platform Live
  • Sheet music library downloads
  • Group cello coaching sessions
  • Cello chat and video hangouts

Monthly membership £11/pm

Coming soon!

Find a group of people who challenge and

inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it

will change your life.


― Amy Poehler; actress

Here's a little bit about what it might be like to work with me as your cello coach!

I absolutely adore working with people who are READY to tackle the challenges and obstacles which seem to prevent them from smashing ultimate goals, and reaching full potential.

I'm not here to tell you how to perform - we are an incredibly diverse range of human beings, and there is absolutely no single way to play and perform on cello. We are all infinitely diverse in nature. I will, however, help you unlock YOUR OWN skills and abilities, which mean you will progress much faster than before, and move forward in a way which feels good and right for you.

I'm very compassionate - I have ADHD, and am Autistic. I deeply recognise and understand that some things need to be approached with sensitivity and patience -  two of the things which have been crucial to my own learning journey. I am very sympathetic to understanding the different needs of different people!

I love love LOVE to celebrate. Finally nailed that tricky passage? Landed yourself a professional performance? Did a solo and you felt great about it? I will celebrate all of those - and more - right there with you! If we can't lift ourselves up when we're being awesome, then who on earth can??

 I always show up with energy - I am committed to you, and I fully believe and trust in your process to get to where you want to be with your instrument.

Trust and honesty are key when working with you, because I want nothing more than to see you succeed. And that needs to come from ​both of us. I'm pretty certain that you are excited and enthusiastic about creating amazing music with your cello, and that you know that you deserve a fab success rate with your study and performances. So let's make that happen!

Cello coaching isn't just learning the notes on the page -

It's about performing, understanding, exploring, experiencing, support, and so much more!

Cello Coaching Sessions

1 to 1 Cello Coaching for Performance, Confidence, and Technique

Book Cello Coaching

Creative Cello Lounge

Membership Group for Cellists of all standards and ages

Coming Soon

The Pocket Cello Tutor

Short and simple course for basic technique and performance

Coming Soon!